Showing 1 - 25 of 30 Results
History of Maria Kittle by Ann Eliza Bleecker in a Letter to Miss Ten Eyck by Bleecker, Ann Eliza ISBN: 9781170859452 List Price: $17.75
Selections From The Posthumous Works Of Ann Eliza Bleecker by Bleecker, Ann Eliza ISBN: 9781409949695 List Price: $12.99
The History of Maria Kittle (Dodo Press) by Bleecker, Ann Eliza ISBN: 9781409950295 List Price: $12.99
The History of Maria Kittle by Eliza Ann Bleecker ISBN: 9781496005359 List Price: $4.95
The Posthumous Works, in Prose and Verse of Ann Eliza Bleecker: to Which Is Added a Collecti... by Bleecker, Ann Eliza, Fauger... ISBN: 9780548936252 List Price: $48.95
The Posthumous Works, In Prose And Verse Of Ann Eliza Bleecker by Bleecker, Ann Eliza, Fauger... ISBN: 9780548572580 List Price: $33.95
History of Maria Kittle by Bleecker, Ann Eliza ISBN: 9780795054778 List Price: $88.00
Posthumous Works, in Prose and Verse to Which Is Added a Collection of Essays, Prose and Poe... by Bleecker, Ann Eliza, Fauger... ISBN: 9781177795968 List Price: $34.75
Posthumous Works, in Prose and Verse of Ann Eliza Bleecker; to Which Is Added a Collection o... by Bleecker, Ann Eliza, Fauger... ISBN: 9781163913215 List Price: $27.16
Posthumous Works, in Prose and Verse of Ann Eliza Bleecker; to Which Is Added a Collection o... by Bleecker, Ann Eliza, Fauger... ISBN: 9781164392767 List Price: $39.16
Posthumous Works, in Prose and Verse. to Which Is Added a Collection of Essays, Prose and Po... by Bleecker, Ann Eliza 1752-17... ISBN: 9781371689735 List Price: $18.95
Posthumous Works, in Prose and Verse. to Which Is Added a Collection of Essays, Prose and Po... by Bleecker, Ann Eliza 1752-17... ISBN: 9781371689759 List Price: $28.95
The posthumous works of Ann Eliza Bleecker by Bleecker, Ann Eliza, The Pe... ISBN: 9781511698641 List Price: $14.90
The History of Maria Kittle by Bleecker, Ann Eliza, The Pe... ISBN: 9781511698597 List Price: $14.90
The History of Maria Kittle by: Ann Eliza Bleecker by Bleecker, Ann Eliza, Ann El... ISBN: 9781984321381 List Price: $7.40
Posthumous Works, in Prose and Verse. to Which Is Added a Collection of Essays, Prose and Po... by Bleecker, Ann Eliza, Fauger... ISBN: 9781340375157 List Price: $27.95
Posthumous Works, in Prose and Verse. to Which Is Added a Collection of Essays, Prose and Po... by Bleecker, Ann Eliza, Fauger... ISBN: 9781376735079 List Price: $17.95
Posthumous Works, in Prose and Verse by Bleecker, Ann Eliza Schuyle... ISBN: 9780608437989 List Price: $120.00
The Posthumous Works of Ann Eliza Bleecker, in Prose and Verse. to Which Is Added, a Collect... by Bleecker, Ann Eliza, Ann El... ISBN: 9781379324065 List Price: $27.95
The History of Maria Kittle. by Ann Eliza Bleecker. in a Letter to Miss Ten Eyck by Bleecker, Ann Eliza, Ann El... ISBN: 9781385397015 List Price: $21.95
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